Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New pictures from Ed Ip at the Earth pageant....

Well, I've finally settled down from not only competing in Vegas but a family vacation in Virginia Beach as well....my work has kept me crazy-busy as we are starting to ramp up with activity. We are kicking off a HUGE fundraiser we do every year for the Children's Hospital of Richmond...

I haven't had a chance to share my experience about the Earth pageant. I decided to do the Earth pageant because one of my best friend's Yolanda Makle was on staff. I've known Yolanda for years, since I was Mrs. Galaxy 2003. We became kindred spirits because we both had been bashed on the internet boards for years. She fortunately, has her basher behind bars, and no, not from what she did on the internet but for other crimes. My basher still lurks and even though I had her arrested, she was found not guilty, but that doesn't mean that she has not done unforgivable things. I will not go into full details but she still remains ever present on the internet and to this day continues her onslaught of negative behavior.....

Anyhow, Yolanda did a great job as producer and emcee. I also had the privilege to meet Laurye Natale, the former queen and I love this woman! What a genuine person she is! But, I have to say, my best experience was competing with the incredible women that I got to know. This pageant was so low key, so fun and so full of love, that I wish every single competition could be like this. No one said ugly words, no one lashed out on the internet and while there will always be disappointment, each woman handled it with grace...
My goal was to look great in photos....I know that sounds crazy but I figured at 45 and after losing my sweet father in law back in May, I wanted to look happy again. I grew up fatherless and he was the only dad I ever knew. My other goals were to win fitness and interview, of which I did....
I knew Mrs. Venezuela would be tough to beat. She was a great competitor and had to win her COUNTRY in order to come to Vegas. I'm proud to say I was right on her heels until the gown competition....in fact I was winning until then but she was able to edge me out when she stepped out in her very Venezuelan-style gown....
I wish Ana-Elisa all the luck in the world, or wait, the Earth....she will do a great job!! I just wish I spoke more Spanish so we could communicate!!
Hugs to all my new pageant sisters!!

Monday, September 6, 2010