Sunday, April 5, 2009

Happy Spring! Time for change......are you ready?

Ah, spring is in the air. I love it! It's no secret that I despise cold, rainy weather. For years, I have wanted to move to Florida but without my friends and family, I think I would shrivel up!
As a group fitness coordinator for one of the largest fitness companies in the US, I am literally exposed to thousands of people daily. Our location sees 4,000 people every day! This gives me a great opportunity to spread the message of how to prevent our number one killer, heart disease. 50% of our population will be affected by this disease, so maybe now is the time to ask yourself, what are you doing in your life to prevent it? Here are some simple ways you can reduce your risk:

Be active everyday! That means look for ways that you can move your body, such as parking in the far spot of the parking lot, taking the stairs or take breaks at your desk to deliver messages instead of using email or the phone.

Reduce your intake of fat, especially saturated fat. This particular fat is the most harmful to the heart. Only 10% of your calories should come from it. Read nutrition labels, be sure that you have no more than 1 gram of saturated fat per 100 calories.

Reduce your stress. While we live in turbulent times, it is imperative for overall health to reduce your stress and your reaction to it. Do you take time out to meditate daily? This doesn't mean you have to chant and burn incense but instead go somewhere quiet and do some deep breathing. I always find it helpful to keep a gratitude journal as well. Contrary to popular belief, my life has not always been easy, so therefore, I am grateful for the wonderful blessings such as good health, a happy family and a job I love. What are you grateful for? Sometimes, it helps to volunteer and help those who are less fortunate. The feeling I get from that is indescribable.

As we move into warmer weather, I wish all of you happiness and peace. Life is too short to be otherwise....

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